Aug 30, 2014 | Costa Rica, Time of Your Life
“People often have much of what they need to succeed within them: ambition and the will to learn. This will to learn can prompt them to reach out to mentors and networks. They just have to trust the process. After all, it’s often the most difficult or trying...
Jul 6, 2014 | Endless Summer
Sometimes you need a good ole dose of home. I am talking about peaches & corn & tomatoes, hydrangeas, lush green grass to roll in, summer ales, 4th of July BBQs, cool summer nights that beg for comfy sweats, and laughs with family and old friends. A dose just...
Jun 1, 2013 | Photography, Surfing
Now that Memorial Day weekend has passed and it is officially June (JUNE?!?!), the northern hemisphere is starting to enjoy the beauty of summer. For me, summer evokes memories of rolling around in lush lawns, climbing trees, swimming in pools, BBQs, playing outside...
Oct 30, 2012 | Endless Summer, Photography, Surfing, Time of Your Life
Hola Amigos! So my ping-ponging has landed me in beautiful Tamarindo, Costa Rica! My first two days here was filled with downpouring rain, but it seems that rainy season has said “Adios” as the past four days have been filled with sunshine. (I hope I am...
Sep 13, 2012 | Endless Summer, Photography, Rockaway
Meet Yeltsin. He is an adorable five year old yellow lab that thinks he is a person (he certainly has me fooled). Y’all got a sneak peak of this this amazing canine in my post Teacher’s Pet because he is such a brown noser. Well, I thought I should...