Dog Days of Summer

Meet Yeltsin. He is an adorable five year old yellow lab that thinks he is a person (he certainly has me fooled). Y’all got a sneak peak of this this amazing canine in my post Teacher’s Pet because he is such a brown noser. Well, I thought I should...
Worth a Thousand Words

Worth a Thousand Words

The downside to living 4 blocks from the beach is that I now have a longer commute. However, I decided to look at the upside and “magically” I now finally have time to catch up on my reading list. In the past couple weeks I have finished a couple of books...

With A Little Help From My Friends

Happy Monday! I am happy to report that Rockaway is treating me well, although come Mondays I need a day off from my weekends! Since moving in, my weekends have been spent with a caravan of my friends catching the A train to visit my new digs. I am now honing my...

Hell-Raiser to Rock-ette

Wow, two weeks without a post! July has been a really busy and crazy month, but a blast.  So what have I been up to the past couple of weeks?? Let’s see….in addition to my real job, I hosted friends from California (check out my post NYC “Cool”...

The NYC “Cool” Tourists

Last August, on a whim, I booked a surf vacation to Costa Rica and little did I know that this trip was going to be an experience of a life time. I figured that I was going to spend every second of my week in the water surfing, piecing my limited surf experience...


Do you ever find a gem in the rough and want to keep it all to yourself? I semi let the cat out of the bag last week in my post “Escape Plan for New Yorkers”, but since I received yet another email in my inbox this AM from another blog I subscribe...