200 Hours

200 Hours

What can you accomplish in 200 hours? How about 200 hours in two weeks? Perhaps if you were a doctor, lawyer, or investment banker (cough cough), 100 hour work weeks would be the norm. But what if you were spending all of those hours doing something that you actually...

Hali Love

Back in March, I volunteered my friend and I to be models for a charity fashion show during Robert August’s annual fundraiser, Surf n Turf. Given that both of us had no modeling experience, besides strutting our stuff on the playing field (Ali was a competitive...

Don’t Leave Home Without It

Going from living in the Big Apple and working a corporate job to dancing with waves in Costa Rica, my daily gear has gone from high heels, pencil skirts, and leather purses to flip-flops, bikinis, and a waterproof backpack. Over the past several months, I have found...


Since I was a little girl, I have marched to my own tune and felt in my gut that I was going to do something completely different. Part of this is due to being the youngest child and the only girl, but also my affinity for standing out. My friends have also always...
Gem in the Rough

Gem in the Rough

I always tell people that in order to really “find” yourself in such a big city as NYC, you need to find your own niche. After much searching, yoga and surfing became my lifeline. However, practicing yoga in NYC was like choosing which of the five Thai...