I always tell people that in order to really “find” yourself in such a big city as NYC, you need to find your own niche. After much searching, yoga and surfing became my lifeline. However, practicing yoga in NYC was like choosing which of the five Thai restaurants on 9th Ave. you wanted to eat at for dinner; it is just Thai food, but there is great reward in finding the gem in all the chaos.
The gems I found were my teachers Colleen, Dan and Ariel. Every Tuesday, Friday and whatever other day they were teaching I would diligently attend class and be rewarded with an oh-so-juicy flow. One of the hardest parts of moving out of NYC was leaving my coveted yoga routine.
But a wise person once told me that in order to grow you must leave behind the routine and attachment. The past two months I have found myself in chaos with my yoga practice. I have been dying to practice with a teacher that would lead me into a juicy flow. I also have been trying to do a self practice, but have had no luck finding that gem.
Then last night happened. I went to take pictures of a soon-to-be (another) gorgeous Costa Rican sunset and in the midst of all the beauty that was surrounding me, I had this magnificent urge to practice. I ran and grabbed my towel and started to flow to the view of palm trees and beautiful waves breaking waves, with the backdrop of a gorgeous setting sun.
I soon found myself in a beautiful flow, the gem that I had been looking for. I almost started crying. The poses, no the shapes, just came naturally. I reflected in how far I had come since starting my practice and also marveled on how much was in front of me.
Yes, this may sound to some of you really “out there”, but what I am really trying to say is when you finally let go, you really find the beauty and take that next step. And how appropriate that I experienced this gift during the holiday weekend that defines thanks and being grateful.
So thank you, thank you, thank you everyone and everything for continuing to lead me on this beautiful journey.