Aug 23, 2014 | Costa Rica, Surfing
In the midst of all the craziness of the past couple of weeks, I chatted with Helena, Chief Bikini Officer of bikini company MI OLA, about bikinis, surfing, and living in Costa Rica. Check out the interview below and chicas, check out for some pretty...
Jun 6, 2014 | Costa Rica, Surfing, Time of Your Life
Frothy Miss Frothy-pants. Three years after my first wipeout and I am still am in love with this sport. Head over heels enough that I call my home surf break Tamarindo my boyfriend, Avellanas my lover, and Ollie’s Point my dirty little secret. Crazy...
Oct 30, 2012 | Endless Summer, Photography, Surfing, Time of Your Life
Hola Amigos! So my ping-ponging has landed me in beautiful Tamarindo, Costa Rica! My first two days here was filled with downpouring rain, but it seems that rainy season has said “Adios” as the past four days have been filled with sunshine. (I hope I am...
Jun 30, 2012 | Endless Summer, Rockaway, Surfing
Picture this: the hustle and bustle of a New York City subway car. NYers heading to their coveted weekend brunch and tourists checking their maps to make sure they will not miss their stop. Oh, and then there happens to be a 9 foot 2 inch surfboard sitting in the...