It might seem crazy what I’m about to say Sunshine she’s here, you can take a break I’m a hot air balloon that could go to space With the air, like I don’t care baby by the way
Because I’m happy Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof Because I’m happy Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth Because I’m happy Clap along if you know what happiness is to you Because I’m happy Clap along if you feel like that’s what you wanna do
-“Happy”, Pharrell Williams

Wingnut in Avellanas.
One night last year I was searching through Instagram and I came across a picture of a beautiful, custom Robert August longboard posted by “CoastThruLife”. I was intrigued. My mouth was watering just staring at the picture of the Robert August stick. I had to see more. What I found soon after was a super cool blog called “Coast Thru Life” written by Buji and his friends all the way in the Philippines. Since then I have been following their travels and the beautiful imagery that they capture.
I recently reached out to Buji to find out more about their adventures, and especially to know more about their cool blog name “Coast Thru Life”. Check out it out below and be sure to follow them via their blog and Instagram (@CoastThruLife). (If you are a longboarder like me you definitely should follow them!)
Samba to the Sea: “Coast through life” usually has a negative connotation, but your blog puts the phrase in a positive light. What inspired the “Coast Thru Life” name?
Coast Thru Life: Coast Thru Life started out as a blog where we could basically share our love of surfing and reflected the type of surfing that we really liked, which was more about just cruising on our heavy logs and single fins and just having lots of fun. We really just wanted to point out to our other Filipino surfer friends that there was an alternative to just the high pro short board mentality that was prevalent in the country as well as in most parts of the world I guess.
So we thought of using the term “coast”; just coasting, gliding, and sliding on waves and in a way coasting through life as well, not taking things too seriously, enjoying life, and being in flow.
Coast also means “Where the sea meets the land”. Accordingly, “Coasting” to us also means finding the balance between our love and obsession for the ocean and our obligations on land and in the city. Coasting through life means finding time to escape and enjoy your special time in the ocean but also not forgetting about responsibilities such as work, family, and friends.
SttS: Tell me how the surfing is in the Phillipines. What type of breaks do you have? What time of year is best to travel?
CTL: Surfing in the Philippines is I think pretty much the same as in Costa Rica. Warm water, good reef, point and beach breaks, lots of coconut trees, good vibes, friendly people, and still dozens of undiscovered surf spots. The best time to come is from September to February when the waves are most consistent.
SttS: Tell me about Nikki’s Robert August board. I drool every time I see the pictures of it.
CTL: Nikki and I love our Robert August Retro Models! Beautiful boards.They’re our go to logs and are just really fun to ride from knee high to head high peelers.
Robert August has always been one of my heroes and one of my greatest inspirations. To be able to surf one of the boards he designed is really an honor for me.
SttS: Through my Instagram observing, I saw that CTL opened a store? Tell me more about it.
CTL: We just opened our first CTL shop in Manila. It’s located in Cubao Ex, which is sort of a small roundabout street which used to be the center for hand made local leather goods back in the day. Today, some of the original shops are still open and it is lined with very interesting artisan shops, thrift shops, antique and vintage stores, skate and bike shops, as well as cafes, restos, and bars. It’s one of the last remaining low rise complexes in the city. Walking into Cubao Ex actually reminds me of walking in the street where I grew up in where everyone knows each other.The vibe and character of the place are very nostalgic and simply addictive.
We’re very happy to have our shop here and to be part of the community.
SttS: Buji, you started surfing after watching “The Endless Summer”…that’s awesome! How long have you all been surfing?
CTL: Yes I did! I was actually already asleep and left my TV on. I woke up and saw that this classic surf movie was on so I watched it. After seeing Robert and Mike ride those waves so stylishly, I was fascinated and I told myself that I wanted to be a surfer too. I think this magical night happened when I was about 18 years old and I didn’t get to surf until I finished College but after watching Endless Summer that evening, in my head, I was already a surfer. I’ve been surfing for 13 years now. I wish I chanced upon that movie when I was 5.
A special thanks to Buji for the interview. Keep up the with the beautiful longboard imagery and videos!
P.S. I wish I had started surfing when I was five, too!
AND enjoy some long boarding pics that I snagged from the past couple of weeks…
Pura Vida,
I am joining you one day period!