Jan 24, 2015 | Uncategorized
Color. We live in a world of vibrant color. Our eyes and brain are the amazing processors of breathtaking sunsets and turquoise water. Interesting enough, color photography has only been available to the popular market for a little over half a decade. The advances in...
Apr 22, 2014 | Uncategorized
Nature. Makes. Me. Happy. A couple of months ago I found a t-shirt here in Tamarindo with this saying on it. Nail hit on the head. Back when I lived in NYC and worked on the 24th floor at a large bank, I dreaded being stuck inside all day. I relished being able to...
Apr 15, 2014 | Uncategorized
Some things in Costa Rica are easy. Easy like where and what time am I going to surf today. Other things not so much. Every ninety days foreigners that enter Costa Rica on a tourist visa but live here need to do what we call a “border run” to get their...
Mar 31, 2014 | Uncategorized
This past weekend Tamarindo lost a larger than life man. His witty comments, bellowing voice, and that school boy smile…how we will miss that charisma. The deep love and PRIDE for his children. Sweet Marie, te quiero mucho chica. Scott, may you be free as a bird, run...