Jan 18, 2014 | Costa Rica, Surfing, Time of Your Life
The ocean is in constant flux, and when you spend a lot of time in it you become like a floating bottle with a message inside; you know you’re somewhere, sense you have a purpose, but you also know that you’re at the mercy of the winds and currents, that...
May 15, 2013 | Surfing, Time of Your Life, Yoga
Since I was a little girl, I have marched to my own tune and felt in my gut that I was going to do something completely different. Part of this is due to being the youngest child and the only girl, but also my affinity for standing out. My friends have also always...
Jun 27, 2012 | Endless Summer
Task #10 (reading Saltwater Buddha) on my “Endless Summer” list: almost complete. Well, “almost” in the sense that I have 50 pages to go, but I am not quite sure how “reading on the subway” is comparable to “reading in a...