Task #10 (reading Saltwater Buddha) on my “Endless Summer” list: almost complete. Well, “almost” in the sense that I have 50 pages to go, but I am not quite sure how “reading on the subway” is comparable to “reading in a hammock”. Anyone have a hammock in NYC that I can crash for a bit?? Pretty please with a cherry on top?

Although I have been diligently reading this page turner on my commute to work every AM, I have also been taking time to digest the wisdom scribed in this book. My once shiny new book now has dog-eared pages, underlining and marked-up margins. Since I am a blonde and  forget my name from time to time, I guess it is for the best (just a little blonde humor here).

Since I am in the spirit of reflecting via this oh-so-addicting blog, I thought I would share a section in the book that really made me take a step back and collect my thoughts.  Jaimal Yogis, the author, weaves together his experiences from Buddhism and the lessons shared from his friend Rom on the ocean. Yogis writes, “Many of the core lessons were about the Buddha’s teaching of interconnectedness, how everything is linked to everything else, down to the smallest insect or blade of grass…The interplay of waves and wind and sun and moon seemed all too magical to be real.”

Now, some of you may be wondering what I am hopped up on and where I am going with this. As I was reflecting on this interconnectedness of the world and Mother Nature, I also started to think of my own mother. I am ever so fortunate to have a beautiful and wonderful mother, who is partially responsible for my existence on this earth. And if I really think about it, how many chain of events had to go right for “Kristen/me/yo” to exist? There are the “what ifs” of choices and being in the “right” place at the “right time”. Anyway, I guess it all turned out OK because here I am, writing crazy thoughts.

So I guess I will now get to my point of this whole post and send a very special shoutout “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!” to my mommy, Carol. Thank you for being the best mother a daughter could ask for.


And for all my readers out there who have continued reading to this point (thank you!), remember how one small action or non-action helps to lead you on your path called life and that we really are all interconnected: living and non-living organisms and Mother Nature. Take some time to reflect, but must of all, just try to have the most fun while we get to live on this beautiful planet called Earth!

