There is latin time and the phrase “mañana es otro día”, or it will get done “tomorrow”,and then there is a thing called “Tico Time” here in Costa Rica, which is even slower than latin time. I know, y’all must be thinking is this even possible?! In the US, if you had a list of things to-do in one day, let’s say you would feel great if 95% of those things got checked off. Here in Costa Rica, if you get even one of those things done in a day, then at least you are not AS frustrated.
If you judged my life by the photos that I share, then perhaps you might think that I have become well accustomed to Tico Time with all of these photos of me “goofing off”. It may appear so, but as a chica that never leaves home without one of her cameras, capturing those moments is as fast as me clicking the shutter. It is not my fault that the surfing paparazzi always seems to find me out in the waves too. Plus, I would like to think that a pretty sunset photo helps to brighten your day…or convinces you that you need to take a vacation (to Costa Rica)! Sí???

Sunset. Last. Night.

Paradise Found
Well, with all of my photo ops, I have been been a pretty busy chica these past couple of months. The only thing running on Tico Time for me is the internet, or lack there of. Anyone want to start a bonfire with me and burn the router?! Besides surfing of course, I have been creating new designs and making further edits to my cards, product testing some beautiful bikinis by Mi Ola, twitter-floppy blogging for Robert August, and successfully designed and sewed a kimono! Basically, I am planning on taking over the world, or at least Tamarindo, and bringing some beauty to this beach town!
Here is a sneak peak of some new card designs and a hecho a mano (handmade) kimono by yours truly….
Ok, so I have been enjoying the waves and goofing off a bit here and there. But hey, that is what Pura Vida is all about. Enjoy some of the craziness…
Pura Vida,
We would love to post a couple of the pictures and an excerpt of your text at toemail if you do not mind?
Which photos? Thanks!
The headstand, on the surf board and the jumper?
Go for it!
Thanks! Will let you know when it is posted.
It’s posted now. Thanks so much, we really appreciate it! 🙂
You aid iit nicely..