Welcome Back to Tamarindo Sunset-
Welcome back to Palm-adise. 💗🌴🌅 I always enjoy my daily sunset beach walks, but Wednesday’s sunset was extra special. Gidget and I practically had the beach all to ourselves as we walked to the point in Tamarindo – there was this beautiful offshore breeze kissing my face and the temperature was just so refreshing. Once we rejoined the rest of the beach goers on the main beach, I headed to one of my secret sunset viewing spots and this magic unfolded.
On top of that, the temperature since returning to Costa Rica has been beyond BEAUTIFUL. Beautiful as in I no longer break into a sweat upon taking one step outside like the intense heat that enveloped March and April. And what about the waves? The past three mornings I have been cruising on my longboard, dancing on the soft peelers rolling through Tamarindo. So, so, so grateful to be ALIVE.
Enjoy the stunner sunsets from this past couple of days in Tamarindo AND Savannah! Lucky you – two sunset locations for the price of one! 😉