Sunset in Tamarindo Costa Rica –
Mensagem de Amor <- -> Love Letter. Funny thing is if you had asked me before a couple of night ago why I love watching and photographing sunsets so much, my response would have been simple and sweet – – “Because they are just so darn beautiful.” But a couple of days ago it hit me & it hit me hard. Hit me hard as in I had goosebumps and started to tear up.
Sunsets are love letters. Sunsets are Mother Nature’s love letters to us, or in Portuguese, mensagens de amor. Ok, I may be a hopeless romantic, but it doesn’t matter how beautiful or stressful a day we may have had, Mother Nature writes us a love letter every night as she says goodbye. And she writes another one as she wakes us up in the morning. Seriously, how beautiful and how blessed are we to always be greeted and said goodbye to in such a magical way?
Enjoy the sunsets from the past week – – I’m off to the New York City area for the next 10 days so hopefully I will be able to capture some sunsets on the East Coast of the US, like the one below taken from the airplane last night!