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There are certain people, moments and activities in your life that mold you and make you a better person. During those oh-so-dreaded teenage years, I was very fortunate to be shepherded by great basketball coaches and teammates. Of the countless memories and learning lessons, two things that I learned right away was to stay humble and work hard. My teammates and I were coached to always credit and compliment the team first and be positive during interviews with reporters before answering questions about our individual performance. There is no “I” in “team”.

I look back on this and I understand why I have difficulty receiving compliments the majority of the time. I usually blush and try to change the subject. Not so surprisingly, when people comment on how much they like my postcards and photos, all I can do is smile and quietly respond “thank you”. The past couple of months has been a creative adventure with brainstorming, proofing, and pouring my heart and soul into these gems. Yes, I have been self-promoting these cards with phone calls, personal visits, and plenty of emails. But today I am going to stop blushing, stand on my soapbox, and give myself a little pat on the back.


Well, for one, I have just released a line of notecards to compliment the postcards(!!!). Just like the postcards, the notecards are 1oo% recycled and come with a pretty awesome recycled kraft paper, grocery bag style envelope. Second, I woke up to an email this morning from Goldfish Kiss blogger Rebekah Steen thanking me for sending her some postcard sunshine and warmth from Costa Rica and complimenting the gems (gracias snail mail).


Bottom line, I love my cards and I think you would too.

If that is not enough reason, just think how nice it would be to have a little reminder of sunshine during those cold, snowy, blistery winter months? Oh, and the holidays are right around the corner too…just saying.

Samba to the Sea wreath

MnH SttS cards

Notecards specially designed for Milk & Honey in Rockville Centre, NY

That’s it. Peace, love & happiness…and back to work.

Pura Vida,
